グループ執行役員 CCuO兼CPO

Conference theme
Women in the workplace
イベントレポート記事はMASHING UPで順次公開予定です。
Women in the workplace 2023
To survive and continue growing in globalization.
Japanese companies are aggressively turning to change.
Now, these companies are making bold changes, why hasn’t the gender gap in society been resolved yet?
The workplace where women can efficiently perform is where everyone can work satisfactorily.
The actions of economic leading companies made the effect of structural reform of society itself.
We believe it is the key to creating well-being for individuals, organizations, and society.
Women in the workplace 2023
The ideal workplace may not be extended until now.
Think about working place with women.
NATSUMI AKITA秋田 夏実みずほフィナンシャルグループ
グループ執行役員 CCuO兼CPONATSUMI AKITA秋田 夏実みずほフィナンシャルグループ
グループ執行役員 CCuO兼CPO〈みずほ〉のCCuO兼CPOとして、グループ全体の組織開発、人材開発、健康経営、多様な人材の活躍の推進、カルチャーの改革、コミュニケーション活性化等を担う。〈みずほ〉入社前は、米国IT企業のアドビの日本法人副社長として、⽇本のマーケティングおよび広報を統括すると共に、DEIの推進、自由闊達な組織風土の醸成に取り組む。それ以前は約20年に渡って金融業界に身を置き、マスターカードの日本地区副社長、シティバンク銀行デジタルソリューション部長などを歴任。NewsPicksプロピッカー、日経xwomanアンバサダー、やまなし大使、情報経営イノベーション専⾨職⼤学(iU)客員教授、ワインエキスパート。プライベートでは3人の子供を育てるワーキングマザー。
As CCuO and CPO of
, Natsumi is responsible for group-wide organizational development, human resource development, health management, promotion of diverse human resources, culture reform, and revitalization of communication. Prior to joining , she was Vice President of Adobe Japan, a U.S. IT company, where she oversaw marketing and public relations in Japan, promoted DEI, and fostered a free and open organizational culture. Prior to that, she worked in the financial industry for about 20 years, serving as Vice President of MasterCard Japan and Head of Digital Solutions at Citibank Japan, as well as a NewsPicks Propicker, Nikkei xwoman Ambassador, Yamanashi Ambassador, Visiting Professor at iU, and a wine expert. In her private life, she is a working mother raising three children. -
MANAMI ITO伊藤 真愛美エフアイシーシー
プロデューサーMANAMI ITO伊藤 真愛美エフアイシーシー
プロデューサー2017年ブランドマーケティングエージェンシーであるエフアイシーシーに、プロデューサーとして入社。入社から4年間、美容商材のインフルエンサーやメディアタイアップなどのプロモーション領域に数多く携わる。2020年にコスメの存在意義と、生活者に商品が届いた『先』を改めて見つめ直したいという想いから、COLOR Againを社内事業として立ち上げ、責任者として事業構築や展開について力を入れている。2022年には渋谷教育学園渋谷中学高等学校のサービスラーニング(社会貢献活動)にCOLOR Againの取り組みが選ばれ、有志学生の感性に気づけるきっかけを作り、一人ひとりの感性を起点とした企画をサポートした。コロナ禍でより感性が希薄しやすい環境下だからこそ、一人ひとりの感性という彩りを取り戻すことが、社会の豊かさに繋がると信じている。
In 2017, Manami Ito joined FICC Corporation, a brand marketing agency, as a producer. She has been involved in many promotional areas during her four years with the company, including influencers and media tie-ups for beauty products. In 2020, she launched COLOR Again as an in-house business to reevaluate the significance of cosmetics and the “destination” of cosmetics products to consumers. In 2022, COLOR Again was selected as a service-learning program (social contribution activity) at Shibuya Junior and Senior High School, creating an opportunity for students to become aware of their sensibilities, and it supported students’ planning based on their sensibilities. In an environment where sensitivity is more easily diluted due to the Covid pandemic, the company believes that restoring the “color” of each individual’s sensitivity will enrich society.
代表取締役社長MIKI OIKAWA及川 美紀ポーラ
代表取締役社長宮城県石巻市出身。東京女子大学卒。1991年同社入社。子育てをしながら30代で埼玉エリアマネージャーに。2009年商品企画部長。12年に執行役員、14年に取締役就任。商品企画、マーケティング、営業などバリューチェーンをすべて経験し、20年1月より現職。(トータルビューティー事業本部長兼務) 誰もが自分の可能性を拓くことができる社会をミッションに、パーパス経営・ダイバーシティ経営を牽引している。
Born in Ishinomaki City, Miyagi Prefecture, Miki Oikawa graduated from Tokyo Woman’s Christian University and joined POLA in 1991. In her 30s, she became Saitama Area Manager while raising her children. In 2009, she became the General Manager of the Product Planning Department, and in 2012, she was appointed as the Executive Officer. In 2014, she assumed the director. She has experienced working in the entire value chain, including product planning, marketing, and sales, and has been in her current position since January 2020. (She also holds the post of the General Manager of the Total Beauty Business Division.) She is currently leading Purpose Management and Diversity Management with the mission of creating a society where everyone can develop their own potential.
ASAKO OSAKI大崎 麻子(特活)Gender Action Platform
理事ASAKO OSAKI大崎 麻子(特活)Gender Action Platform
理事米国コロンビア大学国際公共政策大学院修了(国際関係修士、国際人権・人道問題専攻)。国連開発計画(UNDP)でジェンダー平等と女性のエンパワーメントを担当し、世界各地で、女性の教育、雇用・起業、政治参加促進等のプロジェクトを手がけた。現在は、グローバルとローカル、公共政策と民間企業を繋ぐプロフェッショナルとして、国際機関、省庁・自治体、民間企業などで幅広く協働。内閣府の男女共同参画会議専門委員、ISO/PC337「ジェンダー平等ガイドライン」国内委員会委員及び策定ワーキンググループ日本代表エキスパート、外務省の「女性、平和、安全保障に関する行動計画」評価委員、豊岡市ジェンダーアドバイザー、関西学院大学総合政策学部客員教授等を務める。近著に『エンパワーメント 働くミレニアル女子が身につけたい力』(経済界)
Asako Osaki holds a Master’s degree in International Relations from Columbia University’s School of International and Public Policy, U.S.A., with a specialization in international human rights and humanitarian affairs. She was in charge of gender equality and women’s empowerment at the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), where she worked on projects around the world in such areas as women’s education, employment and entrepreneurship, and promotion of political participation. Currently, as a professional who connects global and local, public policy and private sector, she works extensively with international organizations, ministries and local governments, and private companies. She is an expert member of the Council for Gender Equality of the Cabinet Office, a member of the Domestic Committee of ISO/PC337 “Gender Equality Guidelines” and an expert representing Japan in the Working Group on Gender Equality, a member of the Evaluation Committee of the Action Plan on Women, Peace, and Security of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, a gender advisor to Toyooka City, and a visiting professor at the School of Policy Studies, Kwansei Gakuin University. She is also a visiting professor at the School of Policy Studies, Kwansei Gakuin University. Her recent publications include “Empowerment: The Power Working Millennial Girls Want to Acquire” (Keizaikai).
SHINKO OSADA長田 新子渋谷未来デザイン
理事・事務局長SHINKO OSADA長田 新子渋谷未来デザイン
理事・事務局長外資系情報通信及び企業システム・サービスの営業、マーケティング及び広報責任者を経て、2007年にレッドブル・ジャパン入社。最初の3年間をコミュニケーション統括、2010年から7年半をマーケティング本部長(CMO)として、日本におけるエナジードリンクのカテゴリー確立及びレッドブルブランドと製品を日本市場で浸透させるべく従事し、2017年に退社。独立後、2018年4月より現職。渋谷5GエンターテイメントやNext Generationsなどのプロジェクトを手掛け、SOCIAL INNOVATION WEEK SHIBUYAのエグゼクティブプロデューサーも務める。2022年4月より事務局長に就任。またNEW KIDS代表としてマーケティング・PR関連のアドバイザーや、マーケターキャリア協会理事及び女性複業支援企業等でキャリア支援活動も積極的に行う。2022年3月よりMetaverse Japan代表理事に就任。著書に『アスリート×ブランド 感動と興奮を分かち合うスポーツシーンのつくり方』(宣伝会議)、渋谷未来デザイン編・著書として『変わり続ける! シブヤ系まちづくり』(工作舎)。
After working as a sales, marketing and public relations manager for a foreign telecommunications and enterprise systems and services company, Shinko joined Red Bull Japan in 2007. She spent her first three years as head of communications and seven and a half years as head of marketing (CMO) from 2010 to 2017, when she left the company to establish the energy drink category in Japan and to promote the Red Bull brand and products in the Japanese market. After becoming independent, she has been in her current position since April 2018. Shinko has been involved in projects such as Shibuya 5G Entertainment and Next Generations, and is also the executive producer of SOCIAL INNOVATION WEEK SHIBUYA. She has also been active as a marketing and PR advisor as a representative of NEW KIDS, a board member of the Marketers Career Association, and a member of the board of Metaverse Japan.
NAOMI KURAHARA倉原 直美インフォステラ
共同創業者/代表取締役CEONAOMI KURAHARA倉原 直美インフォステラ
九州工業大学大学院で博士号(工学)を取得。また、JAXAと協同でのイオンエンジン・宇宙プラズマ環境の研究、さらに東京大学の博士研究員として、小型衛星プロジェクトの衛星運用システム及び地上局開発のマネージャーを務める等の経験を持つ。衛星管制システム企業Integral Systems Japan社で衛星管制システムエンジニアとして勤務後、2016年にインフォステラを起業。Naomi Kurahara is the Co-Founder and CEO of Infostellar, a newspace communications technology company based in Tokyo. It provides flexible and scalable ground station services enabled by the company’s cloud platform called ‘StellarStation,’ the ground station platform for modern space businesses. After a one-time setup, satellite operators can access any ground station across our global network. StellarStation also lets ground station owners monetize their unused capacity by sharing it with satellite operators.
Before founding Infostellar, Naomi worked as a System Engineer at Integral Systems Japan and received her Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the Kyushu Institute of Technology. During that time, she conducted ion engine and space plasma environment research with JAXA. She was also a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Tokyo, where she led the development of satellite operations and ground systems for the Hodoyoshi Project. -
人事部人事グループシニアマネージャーMEGUMI KOIKE小池 愛美味の素
After working as a financial accountant and consultant at a foreign-affiliated company, Megumi moved to a Japanese cosmetics company to take care of her family and established a CSR department, where she was in charge of social contribution activities. In July 2017, she joined Ajinomoto following the establishment of the Diversity Promotion Task Force, and has been in her current position since July 2021.
Aiko Kozaki小崎 亜依子stream-i 代表Aiko Kozaki小崎 亜依子stream-i 代表
Aiko is an accomplished sustainability professional with extensive experience in the field. As a sustainable finance expert, she played a key role in setting up a dedicated sustainable finance team and developing policies during her time at the Financial Services Agency (FSA) from 2020 to 2022. With nearly eight years of experience as an ESG investment professional at the Japan Research Institute (JRI), Aiko helped financial institutions to develop their ESG investment strategies and products.
In addition to her impressive work in sustainability, Aiko has a passion for career development and promoting diversity. She provided career development support for over 100 individuals, primarily female workers, while working on business development related to gender diversity and new work styles at a startup.
During her time as the leader of the Policy Open Lab at the FSA, Aiko led the compilation of ‘Proposals to Solve Gender Diversity Challenges in Japan’s Startup Ecosystem‘.
Aiko holds a master’s degree in Public Policy and Management from the Graduate School of Public and International Affairs at the University of Pittsburgh, and a bachelor’s degree from the Faculty of Policy Management at Keio University. A certified member analyst of the Securities Analysts Association of Japan.
代表取締役ARISA SAKANASHI坂梨 亜里咲mederi
自らの4年に渡る不妊治療経験からmederiを設立。オンラインピル診療サービス「メデリピル(mederi Pill)」、妊活サポートプロダクト「メデリベイビー(mederi Baby)」を展開。2021年より実業家・前澤友作氏が設立した前澤ファンドから出資を受けている。After graduating from Meiji University, Arisa Sakanashi worked for an e-commerce consulting company and became a director, COO, and representative director of a web media company targeted at women.
She established mederi based on her own 4-year experience of infertility treatment. Since 2021, she has been funded by the Maezawa Fund, established by entrepreneur Yusaku Maezawa. -
MAKIKO SATO佐藤 真希子iSGSインベストメントワークス 代表パートナーMAKIKO SATO佐藤 真希子iSGSインベストメントワークス 代表パートナー
2000年 サイバーエージェント入社。インターネット広告事業の営業・マネージメント、子会社の新規事業立ち上げを経て、2006年よりサイバーエージェント・キャピタルへ出向。国内のシード期のスタートアップベンチャー投資に9年間従事。2016年6月に独立系のベンチャーキャピタルであるiSGSインベストメントワークスを国内初の女性代表パートナーとして立ち上げ、90社に投資をしている。IPO実績はインパクトホールディングスやビザスク、エクサウィザーズなど。トーヨーカネツ社外取締役、経済産業省J-Startup推薦委員、東京都データ活用推進委員。2022年10月号の『Forbes JAPAN』の「日本のVC業界で活躍する女性15人の1人に選出。
日本ユースリーダー協会評議委員Makiko Sato joined CyberAgent in 2000. After working in sales and management of Internet advertising business and launching new businesses of subsidiaries, she was transferred to CyberAgent Capital in 2006. At CyberAgent Capital, she engaged in seed-stage startup venture investment in Japan for nine years. In June 2016, she launched iSGS Investment Works, an independent venture capital firm, as the first female representative partner in Japan, and has invested in 90 companies. IPO experience includes Impact Holdings, VisasQ, and ExaWizards. She is an external director of Toyo Kanetsu, a J-Startup recommendation committee member of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, a data utilization promotion committee member of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government. She was also selected as one of 15 women active in the Japanese VC industry in the October 2022 issue of “Forbes JAPAN and is playing the role of the Council Member of Japan Youth Leaders Association.
特任教授TOUKO SHIRAKAWA白河 桃子相模女子大学
特任教授相模女子大学大学院 特任教授、昭和女子大学 客員教授、iU情報経営イノベーション専門職大学 超客員教授、東京大学 大学院情報学環客員研究員。東京生まれ、私立雙葉学園、慶応義塾大学文学部社会学専攻卒。住友商事、リーマンブラザースなどを経て執筆活動に入る。2008年中央大学教授山田昌弘氏と『「婚活」時代』を上梓、婚活ブームの火付け役に。2020年9月、中央大学ビジネススクール戦略経営研究科専門職学位課程修了(MBA取得)。働き方改革、ダイバーシティ、女性活躍、SDGsとダイバーシティ経営などをテーマとする。講演、テレビ出演多数。
Specially Appointed Professor at the Graduate School of Sagami Women’s University, Visiting Professor at Showa Women’s University, Visiting Professor at iU Professional University of Information and Management for Innovation, Visiting Researcher at the University of Tokyo, Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies.
Born in Tokyo, Japan, Touko Shirakawa graduated from private school Futaba Gakuen and Keio University, Faculty of Letters, Department of Sociology. After working for Sumitomo Corporation and Lehman Brothers, she began her career as a writer. In 2008, she published “The ‘Konkatsu’ Era” with Chuo University Professor Masahiro Yamada, which sparked the “Konkatsu” boom. Her research themes include work style reform, diversity, women’s activities, SDGs and diversity management. She has given numerous lectures and appeared on TV programs.
KAORI SHINDO進藤 かおりパソナグループ
常務執行役員KAORI SHINDO進藤 かおりパソナグループ
CEO英ロンドン大学卒業後、国際機関、投資ファンドを経て2009年にHASUNAを設立。ジュエリーブランドHASUNAでは、ペルー、パキスタン、ルワンダほか世界約10カ国の宝石鉱山労働者や職人とともにジュエリーを制作し、エシカル(=道徳的、倫理的)なものづくりを実践。”未来へと受け継がれるジュエリーブランド”として、日本におけるエシカル消費文化の普及につとめる。2022年にNFT×ジュエリーブランドXE:KFH《ゼクー》をリリース。NFTとジュエリーを掛け合わせた、Web3.0時代のブランドをプロデュースしている。その他にもセレクトショップ、化粧品、アパレルブランド、その他各種企業のブランドディレクションに携わる。2019年からは、東海地区の女性起業家育成プログラム《NAGOYA WOMEN STARTUP LAB.(名古屋女性スタートアップ研究会)》にディレクターとして参画。2022年からは武蔵野大学アントレプレナーシップ学部(武蔵野大学EMC)に教授として教鞭を取り起業家の育成を行っている。女性の働き方や起業、ブランディング、サスティナビリティ、SDGs等をテーマに国内外で講演活動も行う。2011年、日経ウーマン・オブ・ザ・イヤー2011キャリアクリエイト部門受賞をはじめとして、2013年には世界経済フォーラム(ダボス会議)にGlobal Shaperとして参加。2014年には内閣府「選択する未来」委員会委員を務め、Forbes誌「未来を創る日本の女性10人」に、2017年にはCNNが選んだ日本人女性「リーディング・ウーマン・ジャパン」に選ばれるなど、世界的にも注目を集める起業家である。
Founder & CEO, Brand Producer & Director of jewelry brand HASUNA/XE:KFH
Professor at the Department of Entrepreneurship, Musashino University, and Visiting Fellow at Entrepreneurship Research Institute.
After graduating from the University of London, Natsuko Shiraki worked for an international organization and an investment fund before establishing HASUNA in 2009.
The jewelry brand HASUNA creates jewelry with gemstone miners and artisans in about ten countries worldwide, including Peru, Pakistan, and Rwanda. The company practices ethical manufacturing. As a “”jewelry brand that will be handed down to the future,”” the company strives to promote ethical consumption culture in Japan. In 2022, she released NFT x jewelry brand XE:KFH, producing brands for the Web 3.0 era that put together NFT and jewelry.
Besides, she has been involved in brand direction for multi-brand stores, cosmetics, apparel brands, and various other companies. Since 2019, she has participated as director of the Nagoya Women Startup Lab (Nagoya Women’s Startup Research Group), a program to foster female entrepreneurs in the Tokai region. Since 2022, she also holds the post as a professor at the Department of Entrepreneurship, Musashino University (Musashino University EMC) to foster entrepreneurs. She lectures in Japan and abroad on topics such as women’s work styles, entrepreneurship, branding, sustainability, and the SDGs.
In 2011, she was awarded Nikkei Woman of the Year 2011 in the Career Creation category, and in 2013, she participated in the World Economic Forum (Davos) as a Global Shaper. In 2014, she served as a Cabinet Office “”Choosing the Future”” Committee member and was selected as one of Forbes magazine’s “”10 Japanese Women Who Will Create the Future.”” In 2017, she was selected by CNN as a “”Leading Woman Japan.”” -
After graduating from International Christian University, Haruna joined Sony. After working as a secretary and in human resources, she started her own business in 2005.
After working mainly in HR consulting and advertising agency business (media buying and creative) for Japanet Group, she became a senior executive officer of V Faren Nagasaki, a J-Club, in 2018. She was in charge of public relations and operations.
In 2020, she was appointed as the President and Representative Director of the club. She has been consistently involved in work related to people and the media.
Haruna is currently enrolled in a doctoral program at the University of Tokyo’s Graduate School of Education.
In March 2022, she became a full-time director of the J-League and a director of the JFA, where she is in charge of several departments, including social cooperation.
In September of 2022, she was appointed as the second chairperson of the WE League and is serving as a specially-appointed director of the J-League and vice president of the JFA.” -
代表取締役HISANORI TANAKA田中 寿典モーンガータ
代表取締役2012年東京大学大学院 理学系研究科 生物科学専攻 修士課程修了後、アルビオン(コーセー 連結子会社)に入社。研究部に配属され、メイクアップ製品の研究開発に従事する。2018年2月同社退社。2019年9月20日モーンガータ設立と共にSminkArtブランドを立ち上げ、使い切れず残ったコスメの中身を絵の具や雑貨創作用の色材に転化する技術を構築してきた。これまでにテレビ15放映以上、ラジオ・新聞・雑誌などへの掲載も多数。
to Cビジネスとして、不要となったコスメの中身を原料とし製造した自社プロダクトや、自社プロダクトを用いて創作された雑貨やアーティスト作品を販売する一方、to Bビジネスとして、百貨店などの商業施設・化粧品小売企業・化粧品企業・行政・教育機関などからの企画やイベント施策の受注を多数受けている。また、2022年10月25日には、凸版印刷とコスメ由来の印刷用インキを共同開発し、役目を終えたコスメの有効利用の汎用性を拡げてきた。2023年2月現在、コーセー・花王をはじめとした10社以上の化粧品企業と提携している。今後は、化粧品企業から提供された役目を終えたコスメの文具化、建材化、樹脂化、ガラス化、紙化、陶器化などの技術構築だけでなく、一般化粧品ユーザーの不要コスメを回収して有効利用するための本質的な有効利用スキームの構築を目指す。After completing his master’s in Biological Sciences at the Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo, Hisanori Tanaka joined Albion (a consolidated subsidiary of KOSÉ Co., Ltd.) in 2012. He was assigned to the Research Department and engaged in the R&D of make-up products until February 2018, which was the time when he left Albion. With the establishment of MÅNGATA Corporation on September 20, 2019, he launched the SminkArt brand and has built a technology to convert unused and leftover cosmetics into paints and color materials for sundry creations. The company has been featured in more than fifteen TV programs, on the radio, and in newspapers, magazines, and other media.
As a “”to C”” business, the company sells its own products made from unwanted cosmetic content and sundry goods as well as artists’ works created from the company’s products.
As for the “”to B”” business, the company receives numerous orders for planning and event initiatives from commercial facilities such as department stores, cosmetics retailers, cosmetics companies, government agencies, and educational institutions.
In addition, on October 25, 2022, the company jointly developed cosmetic-derived printing inks with Toppan Printing Co.
As of February 2023, the company has partnered with more than ten cosmetics companies, including KOSÉ Corporation and Kao Corporation.
In the future, the company aims not only to establish technologies for turning unused cosmetics provided by cosmetics companies into stationery, construction materials, resin, glass, paper, and ceramics but also to establish an effective utilization scheme to collect and effectively use unwanted cosmetics offered by the general cosmetics users. -
サウンドセラピストHIKOKONAMIHIKOKONAMIFreakin’Calm 代表取締役
サウンドセラピスト幼い時から仏教の教えを受けて育つ。 2005年に渡米、NY大学でボランティアとして音楽療法に携わったことをきっかけに教育、実践、ヒーリングの観点から音楽を学び直す。New York Open Center 『Sound and Music Institute』にてサウンドヒーリングを体系的に学び、その後はNYを中心にサウンドセラピストとして活動。数々のメディテーションイベントや音楽・アートのイベントに登壇する。 2019年に拠点を日本へ移し、イベントや企業にてサウンドバス、 マインドフルネス、インナーサスティナビリティの講義を提供。音を使ったリラクゼーション商品のプロディースやアートプロジェクトなど、活動は多岐にわたる。帰国後は日本の伝統文化や芸能、民俗学的な観点から日本独自のスピリチュアリティを研究。大阪芸大にてクラスを受け持つなど、アカデミックにも活躍中。
Born and raised in Osaka, Japan, HIKOKONAMI started her Buddhism practice at an early age with her family, at the same time as when she started playing the piano. In 2005, she moved to NYC to study sound therapy and music education. Soon after, she started her career as a sound practitioner/mindfulness teacher and participated in meditation events at several locations in NYC as a member of “BIG QUIET.” She appeared on many more stages all over the US.
In 2019, she moved back to her own country and started working in Tokyo. Her works not only involve teaching meditation and facilitating SoundBath but also several art projects, such as a sound-fullness event called Freakin’Calm Out, collaborated with music producer/DJ Shinichi Osawa. Currently, her curiosity is focused on Japanese traditions and folklore arts. She has been studying them using an anthropological approach and finding Japanese spirituality to add to her works. -
特別顧問/CDO(チーフ・ダイバーシティー・オフィサー)TOSHIYUKI FUKUCHI福地 敏行日本IBM
Toshiyuki Fukuchi joined IBM Japan in 1985. After serving as Executive Vice President, he was appointed Executive Advisor in January 2023. Although his background is in sales, he has been working as an executive ambassador for diversity and inclusion since he became an executive officer in 2008, aiming to realize an environment where employees can be themselves and work with enthusiasm. In September 2022, he became IBM Japan’s first Chief Diversity Officer.
KENJI FUMA夫馬 賢治ニューラル
CEOサステナビリティ経営・ESG投資アドバイザリー会社を2013年に創業し現職。東証一部上場企業大手や機関投資家を多数クライアントに持つ。ニュースサイト「Sustainable Japan」編集長。著書『データでわかる 2030年 地球のすがた』(日本経済新聞出版)、『ESG思考』(講談社+α新書)他。Forbes、JBPress、現代ビジネスのオフィシャル・コラムニスト。環境省、農林水産省、厚生労働省のESG関連の有識者委員や、国際会議での委員を歴任。国際NGOウォーターエイドの日本支部「ウォーターエイドジャパン」理事。ハーバード大学大学院サステナビリティ専攻修士課程修了。サンダーバード・グローバル経営大学院MBA課程修了。東京大学教養学部国際関係論専攻卒。
Founded a sustainability management and ESG investment advisory firm in 2013. His clients include major corporations listed on the first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange and many institutional investors. He is also the editor-in-chief of the news website “Sustainable Japan. He is an official columnist for Forbes, JBPress, and Gendai Business. He has served on ESG-related expert committees for the Ministry of the Environment, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, and the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, as well as at international conferences. He is a board member of WaterAid Japan, the Japanese branch of the international NGO WaterAid. He holds a Master’s degree in Sustainability from Harvard University Graduate School of Business. MBA from Thunderbird School of Global Management. B.A. in International Relations, College of Liberal Arts, University of Tokyo.
KENICHIRO MAEDA前田 謙一郎ポルシェジャパン
執行役員KENICHIRO MAEDA前田 謙一郎ポルシェジャパン
執行役員2001年上智大学経済学部卒業。オランダの現地企業でインターンをした後、ベルギー・ブリュッセルで富士通とトヨタの合弁会社である富士通テン(現・デンソーテン)に入社。2008年に日本に戻り、 テスラ・ジャパン等の外資系自動車会社を経て、ポルシェ・ジャパンに入社。2020年より現職。
Graduated from Sophia University, Faculty of Economics in 2001. After interning at a local company in the Netherlands, he joined Fujitsu Ten (now Denso Ten), a joint venture between Fujitsu and Toyota in Brussels, Belgium. 2008 returned to Japan and worked for foreign automotive companies such as Tesla Japan before joining Porsche Japan. 2020-present.
KAY MATSUOKA松岡 けいDAZN Japan Investment
バイスプレジデント コミュニケーション&PRKAY MATSUOKA松岡 けいDAZN Japan Investment
バイスプレジデント コミュニケーション&PR日本におけるコミュニケーション&PR部門の責任者。メディアやパートナーとの協業、ブランディング、リスク管理等幅広い業務を担当し、グローバルマーケットとも連携したCSRやダイバーシティ&インクルージョンに関わる取り組みもリードする。20年以上スポーツPRやアスリートマネジメントを担当し、前職のRed Bull Japanでは数々のスポーツイベント・アスリートコミュニケーションやコンテンツ制作といった多様な業務に携わった後、2017年に入社。
Kay Matsuoka is a Head of Communications & PR at DAZN Japan Investment in Japan. She is responsible for a wide range of operations, such as collaboration with media and partners, branding, and risk management. Besides, she leads initiatives related to CSR, diversity and inclusion in collaboration with the global market. Kay has been in charge of sports PR and athlete management for over 20 years. At her previous job at Red Bull Japan, she was involved in a variety of tasks, such as numerous sports events, athlete communication, and content production. She then joined DAZN Japan Investment in 2017.
代表取締役CEO大学在学中にアート系サービスを運営するスタートアップに参画、アートへの興味を深める。 2014年にサイバーエージェントへ新卒入社。自ら発案したYouTube特化の新規事業責任者としてツール開発、また様々な大手企業のデジタルマーケティングに従事。次世代幹部候補育成プロジェクト”CA36″選出。その後WTOKYOでのアート関連プロジェクト担当経験から、アートの多面的な魅力と可能性を再認識。2018年にアート×テックをテーマとしてANDARTを創業。新たな経済圏の創造を目指して、100件以上のアートディ―ルを経験しながら日本初アートの共同保有プラットフォームANDARTを運営。
While studying at a university, Shiori Matsuzono worked at a start-up company operating art-related services and deepened her interest in art. In 2014, she joined CyberAgent as a new graduate. As the head of a new business specializing in YouTube, which she initiated herself, she was involved in developing tools and digital marketing for various major companies. She was selected for “”CA36,”” a project to train the next generation of executive candidates. Later, through her experience in charge of art-related projects at WTOKYO, she re-discovered the arts’ multifaceted appeal and potential.
In 2018, she founded ANDART with the theme of art x tech. Aiming to create a new economic sphere, she has experienced more than 100 art deals while managing Japan’s first art co-ownership platform: ANDART. -
TOMOKO YOKOZUKA横塚 知子デル・テクノロジーズ
コンシューマー&ビジネス マーケティング
統括本部 部長TOMOKO YOKOZUKA横塚 知子デル・テクノロジーズ
コンシューマー&ビジネス マーケティング
統括本部 部長大学院卒業後、ベンチャー企業を経て、2005年からデル株式会社へ。入社初年度に海外勤務を希望し、1年間中国に赴任。現在は、日本市場のコンシューマー&ビジネスマーケティングを担当し、ダイレクトビジネスの推進およびブランディングの強化にあたる。2022年9月には女性起業家向けビジネスコンテストを日本で展開し、ビジネスの発展に役立つネットワークプログラムDell Women’s Entrepreneur Network (DWEN) を推進する。
After graduating from graduate school and working for a venture company, Tomoko Yokozuka joined Dell Inc. in 2005. In her first year with the company, she requested an overseas assignment and was posted to China for a year. Currently, she is in charge of consumer and business marketing for the Japanese market, promoting direct business and strengthening branding. In September 2022, she launched a business contest for women entrepreneurs in Japan and promoted a networking program called Dell Women’s Entrepreneur Network (DWEN) to help women develop their businesses.
以降、MC、ドラマ、ナレーションなど幅広く活躍。Film commentator. Born on November 16, 1970, in Sweden.
LiLiCo came to Japan at the age of 18 and made her entertainment debut in 1989. She has been a regular film commentator on the information program “King’s Brunch” since 2001.
Since then, she has worked extensively as an MC and in dramas and narrations.”
日時:2023年3月8日(水)12:00〜20:00 (予定)
Date: March 8th (Wed), 12:00~20:00 (TBC)
Ticket price (includes session recordings):19,800 yen
* Click here for more than 5 corporate tickets.
Venue: TRUNK (HOTEL) (5-31 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo)
Organizer: MASHING UP
* contact us for more than five corporate tickets
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Please feel free to contact us for more details.