ASAKO OSAKI大崎 麻子(特活)Gender Action Platform
理事ASAKO OSAKI大崎 麻子(特活)Gender Action Platform
理事米国コロンビア大学国際公共政策大学院修了(国際関係修士、国際人権・人道問題専攻)。国連開発計画(UNDP)でジェンダー平等と女性のエンパワーメントを担当し、世界各地で、女性の教育、雇用・起業、政治参加促進等のプロジェクトを手がけた。現在は、グローバルとローカル、公共政策と民間企業を繋ぐプロフェッショナルとして、国際機関、省庁・自治体、民間企業などで幅広く協働。内閣府の男女共同参画会議専門委員、ISO/PC337「ジェンダー平等ガイドライン」国内委員会委員及び策定ワーキンググループ日本代表エキスパート、外務省の「女性、平和、安全保障に関する行動計画」評価委員、豊岡市ジェンダーアドバイザー、関西学院大学総合政策学部客員教授等を務める。近著に『エンパワーメント 働くミレニアル女子が身につけたい力』(経済界)
Asako Osaki holds a Master’s degree in International Relations from Columbia University’s School of International and Public Policy, U.S.A., with a specialization in international human rights and humanitarian affairs. She was in charge of gender equality and women’s empowerment at the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), where she worked on projects around the world in such areas as women’s education, employment and entrepreneurship, and promotion of political participation. Currently, as a professional who connects global and local, public policy and private sector, she works extensively with international organizations, ministries and local governments, and private companies. She is an expert member of the Council for Gender Equality of the Cabinet Office, a member of the Domestic Committee of ISO/PC337 “Gender Equality Guidelines” and an expert representing Japan in the Working Group on Gender Equality, a member of the Evaluation Committee of the Action Plan on Women, Peace, and Security of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, a gender advisor to Toyooka City, and a visiting professor at the School of Policy Studies, Kwansei Gakuin University. She is also a visiting professor at the School of Policy Studies, Kwansei Gakuin University. Her recent publications include “Empowerment: The Power Working Millennial Girls Want to Acquire” (Keizaikai).
特別顧問/CDO(チーフ・ダイバーシティー・オフィサー)TOSHIYUKI FUKUCHI福地 敏行日本IBM
Toshiyuki Fukuchi joined IBM Japan in 1985. After serving as Executive Vice President, he was appointed Executive Advisor in January 2023. Although his background is in sales, he has been working as an executive ambassador for diversity and inclusion since he became an executive officer in 2008, aiming to realize an environment where employees can be themselves and work with enthusiasm. In September 2022, he became IBM Japan’s first Chief Diversity Officer.
NATSUMI AKITA秋田 夏実みずほフィナンシャルグループ
グループ執行役員 CCuO兼CPONATSUMI AKITA秋田 夏実みずほフィナンシャルグループ
グループ執行役員 CCuO兼CPO〈みずほ〉のCCuO兼CPOとして、グループ全体の組織開発、人材開発、健康経営、多様な人材の活躍の推進、カルチャーの改革、コミュニケーション活性化等を担う。〈みずほ〉入社前は、米国IT企業のアドビの日本法人副社長として、⽇本のマーケティングおよび広報を統括すると共に、DEIの推進、自由闊達な組織風土の醸成に取り組む。それ以前は約20年に渡って金融業界に身を置き、マスターカードの日本地区副社長、シティバンク銀行デジタルソリューション部長などを歴任。NewsPicksプロピッカー、日経xwomanアンバサダー、やまなし大使、情報経営イノベーション専⾨職⼤学(iU)客員教授、ワインエキスパート。プライベートでは3人の子供を育てるワーキングマザー。
As CCuO and CPO of
, Natsumi is responsible for group-wide organizational development, human resource development, health management, promotion of diverse human resources, culture reform, and revitalization of communication. Prior to joining , she was Vice President of Adobe Japan, a U.S. IT company, where she oversaw marketing and public relations in Japan, promoted DEI, and fostered a free and open organizational culture. Prior to that, she worked in the financial industry for about 20 years, serving as Vice President of MasterCard Japan and Head of Digital Solutions at Citibank Japan, as well as a NewsPicks Propicker, Nikkei xwoman Ambassador, Yamanashi Ambassador, Visiting Professor at iU, and a wine expert. In her private life, she is a working mother raising three children. -
特任教授TOUKO SHIRAKAWA白河 桃子相模女子大学
特任教授相模女子大学大学院 特任教授、昭和女子大学 客員教授、iU情報経営イノベーション専門職大学 超客員教授、東京大学 大学院情報学環客員研究員。東京生まれ、私立雙葉学園、慶応義塾大学文学部社会学専攻卒。住友商事、リーマンブラザースなどを経て執筆活動に入る。2008年中央大学教授山田昌弘氏と『「婚活」時代』を上梓、婚活ブームの火付け役に。2020年9月、中央大学ビジネススクール戦略経営研究科専門職学位課程修了(MBA取得)。働き方改革、ダイバーシティ、女性活躍、SDGsとダイバーシティ経営などをテーマとする。講演、テレビ出演多数。
Specially Appointed Professor at the Graduate School of Sagami Women’s University, Visiting Professor at Showa Women’s University, Visiting Professor at iU Professional University of Information and Management for Innovation, Visiting Researcher at the University of Tokyo, Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies.
Born in Tokyo, Japan, Touko Shirakawa graduated from private school Futaba Gakuen and Keio University, Faculty of Letters, Department of Sociology. After working for Sumitomo Corporation and Lehman Brothers, she began her career as a writer. In 2008, she published “The ‘Konkatsu’ Era” with Chuo University Professor Masahiro Yamada, which sparked the “Konkatsu” boom. Her research themes include work style reform, diversity, women’s activities, SDGs and diversity management. She has given numerous lectures and appeared on TV programs.