代表取締役社長MIKI OIKAWA及川 美紀ポーラ
代表取締役社長宮城県石巻市出身。東京女子大学卒。1991年同社入社。子育てをしながら30代で埼玉エリアマネージャーに。2009年商品企画部長。12年に執行役員、14年に取締役就任。商品企画、マーケティング、営業などバリューチェーンをすべて経験し、20年1月より現職。(トータルビューティー事業本部長兼務) 誰もが自分の可能性を拓くことができる社会をミッションに、パーパス経営・ダイバーシティ経営を牽引している。
Born in Ishinomaki City, Miyagi Prefecture, Miki Oikawa graduated from Tokyo Woman’s Christian University and joined POLA in 1991. In her 30s, she became Saitama Area Manager while raising her children. In 2009, she became the General Manager of the Product Planning Department, and in 2012, she was appointed as the Executive Officer. In 2014, she assumed the director. She has experienced working in the entire value chain, including product planning, marketing, and sales, and has been in her current position since January 2020. (She also holds the post of the General Manager of the Total Beauty Business Division.) She is currently leading Purpose Management and Diversity Management with the mission of creating a society where everyone can develop their own potential.
人事部人事グループシニアマネージャーMEGUMI KOIKE小池 愛美味の素
After working as a financial accountant and consultant at a foreign-affiliated company, Megumi moved to a Japanese cosmetics company to take care of her family and established a CSR department, where she was in charge of social contribution activities. In July 2017, she joined Ajinomoto following the establishment of the Diversity Promotion Task Force, and has been in her current position since July 2021.
KENJI FUMA夫馬 賢治ニューラル
CEOサステナビリティ経営・ESG投資アドバイザリー会社を2013年に創業し現職。東証一部上場企業大手や機関投資家を多数クライアントに持つ。ニュースサイト「Sustainable Japan」編集長。著書『データでわかる 2030年 地球のすがた』(日本経済新聞出版)、『ESG思考』(講談社+α新書)他。Forbes、JBPress、現代ビジネスのオフィシャル・コラムニスト。環境省、農林水産省、厚生労働省のESG関連の有識者委員や、国際会議での委員を歴任。国際NGOウォーターエイドの日本支部「ウォーターエイドジャパン」理事。ハーバード大学大学院サステナビリティ専攻修士課程修了。サンダーバード・グローバル経営大学院MBA課程修了。東京大学教養学部国際関係論専攻卒。
Founded a sustainability management and ESG investment advisory firm in 2013. His clients include major corporations listed on the first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange and many institutional investors. He is also the editor-in-chief of the news website “Sustainable Japan. He is an official columnist for Forbes, JBPress, and Gendai Business. He has served on ESG-related expert committees for the Ministry of the Environment, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, and the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, as well as at international conferences. He is a board member of WaterAid Japan, the Japanese branch of the international NGO WaterAid. He holds a Master’s degree in Sustainability from Harvard University Graduate School of Business. MBA from Thunderbird School of Global Management. B.A. in International Relations, College of Liberal Arts, University of Tokyo.